The smooth orthogonal decomposition (SOD) is an output-only modal analysis method, which has simple structure and gives good results for undamped or lightly damped vibration systems. In the present study, the SOD method is extended to incorporate various measurements that contain the displacement, the velocity, the acceleration, and even the jerk (derivation of the acceleration). Several generalized eigenvalue problems (EVPs) are put forward considering different measurement combinations, and it is proved that all these EVPs can reduce to the eigenvalue problems of the undamped vibration system. These different methods are called extended smooth orthogonal decomposition (ESOD) methods in this paper. For the damped vibration system, the frequencies obtained by different ESOD methods are different from each other. Thus, a cost function is defined and a search algorithm is proposed to find the optimal frequency and damping ratio that can explain these differences. Although the search algorithm is derived for the single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) vibration systems, it is effective for the multi-degrees-of-freedom (MDOF) vibration system after assuming that the smooth orthogonal coordinates (SOCs) computed by the ESOD methods are approximate to the modal coordinate responses. In order to verify the ESOD methods and the search algorithm, simulations are carried out and the results indicate that all ESOD methods reach correct results for undamped vibration systems and the search algorithm can give accurate frequency and damping ratio for damped systems. In addition, the effects of measurement noises are considered and the results show that the proposed method has anti-noise property to some extent.
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August 2018
Extended Smooth Orthogonal Decomposition for Modal Analysis
Zhi-Xiang Hu,
Zhi-Xiang Hu
Department of Civil Engineering,
Hefei University of Technology,
Hefei 23009, Anhui Province, China
Hefei University of Technology,
Hefei 23009, Anhui Province, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Xiao Huang,
Xiao Huang
The 38th Research Institute of CETC,
Hefei 230088, Anhui Province, China
Hefei 230088, Anhui Province, China
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Yixian Wang,
Yixian Wang
Department of Civil Engineering,
Hefei University of Technology,
Hefei 23009, Anhui Province, China
Hefei University of Technology,
Hefei 23009, Anhui Province, China
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Feiyu Wang
Feiyu Wang
Department of Civil Engineering,
Hefei University of Technology,
Hefei 23009, Anhui Province, China
Hefei University of Technology,
Hefei 23009, Anhui Province, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Zhi-Xiang Hu
Department of Civil Engineering,
Hefei University of Technology,
Hefei 23009, Anhui Province, China
Hefei University of Technology,
Hefei 23009, Anhui Province, China
Xiao Huang
The 38th Research Institute of CETC,
Hefei 230088, Anhui Province, China
Hefei 230088, Anhui Province, China
Yixian Wang
Department of Civil Engineering,
Hefei University of Technology,
Hefei 23009, Anhui Province, China
Hefei University of Technology,
Hefei 23009, Anhui Province, China
Feiyu Wang
Department of Civil Engineering,
Hefei University of Technology,
Hefei 23009, Anhui Province, China
Hefei University of Technology,
Hefei 23009, Anhui Province, China
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received September 25, 2017; final manuscript received January 5, 2018; published online February 23, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Stefano Gonella.
J. Vib. Acoust. Aug 2018, 140(4): 041008 (12 pages)
Published Online: February 23, 2018
Article history
September 25, 2017
January 5, 2018
Hu, Z., Huang, X., Wang, Y., and Wang, F. (February 23, 2018). "Extended Smooth Orthogonal Decomposition for Modal Analysis." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. August 2018; 140(4): 041008.
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