In this paper, a new model is proposed to study the coupled axial–torsional vibration of the drill string. It is assumed that rotary table angular speed is constant and equals to the nominal angular speed of the drill string. In addition, axial displacement of any point on the drill string is considered to be as the sum of rigid-body motion and elastic vibrations. The depth of cut is defined using instantaneous dynamic states instead of using the delayed model as presented in previous researches. A velocity-weakening function is introduced for modeling the behavior of the frictional component of the torque-on-bit (TOB) with respect to the bit angular speed. After discretizing vibration equations, stability analysis of the system is investigated by linearizing the nonlinear system around its steady-state response point. Considering nominal weight-on-bit (WOB) () and nominal rotational speed () as the input parameters of the drilling, variation of maximum allowable value of () is presented with respect to variation of . It is shown that the maximum allowable value of has an increasing–decreasing behavior with respect to . The effect of drill string upper and lower part lengths is studied on the stability of the system, and practical results are presented both in the condition that is constant and in the condition that the hook upward force is constant. It is shown that by increasing the drill string length, the system is more exposed to instability, and this must be considered in regulating the input parameters of drilling.
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December 2017
A New Dynamic Model of Coupled Axial–Torsional Vibration of a Drill String for Investigation on the Length Increment Effect on Stick–Slip Instability
Ali Hosseinzadeh,
Ali Hosseinzadeh
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Amirkabir University of Technology,
424 Hafez Avenue,
Tehran 15875-4413, Iran
Amirkabir University of Technology,
424 Hafez Avenue,
Tehran 15875-4413, Iran
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Firooz Bakhtiari-Nejad
Firooz Bakhtiari-Nejad
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Amirkabir University of Technology,
424 Hafez Avenue,
Tehran 15875-4413, Iran
Amirkabir University of Technology,
424 Hafez Avenue,
Tehran 15875-4413, Iran
Search for other works by this author on:
Ali Hosseinzadeh
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Amirkabir University of Technology,
424 Hafez Avenue,
Tehran 15875-4413, Iran
Amirkabir University of Technology,
424 Hafez Avenue,
Tehran 15875-4413, Iran
Firooz Bakhtiari-Nejad
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Amirkabir University of Technology,
424 Hafez Avenue,
Tehran 15875-4413, Iran
Amirkabir University of Technology,
424 Hafez Avenue,
Tehran 15875-4413, Iran
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received June 20, 2016; final manuscript received July 6, 2017; published online August 17, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Mahmoud Hussein.
J. Vib. Acoust. Dec 2017, 139(6): 061016 (9 pages)
Published Online: August 17, 2017
Article history
June 20, 2016
July 6, 2017
Hosseinzadeh, A., and Bakhtiari-Nejad, F. (August 17, 2017). "A New Dynamic Model of Coupled Axial–Torsional Vibration of a Drill String for Investigation on the Length Increment Effect on Stick–Slip Instability." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. December 2017; 139(6): 061016.
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