Impact dampers (IDs) provide an effective, economical, and retrofittable solution to the vibration problem in several engineering applications. An ID typically consists of a single or multiple masses constrained between two or more stops and attached to a primary system to be controlled. The latest developed type in the IDs family is the linear particle chain (LPC) ID. It consists of a linear arrangement of two sizes of freely moving masses, constrained by two stops. The high number of impacts among the damper masses leads to rapid energy dissipation compared to the common IDs. This paper presents an experimental study on the effectiveness of the LPC ID in reducing the vibrations of a single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) frame structure under different shock excitations. Prototypes of the LPC and conventional IDs with different geometric parameters are fabricated. The structure is excited by either an impact at the top floor or pulses at its base. The damping effect of the LPC ID is compared with that of conventional IDs. The experimental outcomes clearly show that the LPC ID can effectively reduce the response of simple structures under shock excitation. Additional investigations are conducted to examine the LPC ID sensitivity to the main damper parameters, such as the chain length, damper mass ratio, and damper clearance.
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December 2015
Shock-Based Experimental Investigation of the Linear Particle Chain Impact Damper
Mohamed Gharib,
Mohamed Gharib
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Texas A&M University at Qatar,
Education City,
Doha 23874, Qatar
Texas A&M University at Qatar,
Education City,
Doha 23874, Qatar
Search for other works by this author on:
Mansour Karkoub
Mansour Karkoub
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Texas A&M University at Qatar,
Education City,
Doha 23874, Qatar
Texas A&M University at Qatar,
Education City,
Doha 23874, Qatar
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Mohamed Gharib
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Texas A&M University at Qatar,
Education City,
Doha 23874, Qatar
Texas A&M University at Qatar,
Education City,
Doha 23874, Qatar
Mansour Karkoub
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Texas A&M University at Qatar,
Education City,
Doha 23874, Qatar
Texas A&M University at Qatar,
Education City,
Doha 23874, Qatar
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received May 7, 2014; final manuscript received June 2, 2015; published online October 6, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Corina Sandu.
J. Vib. Acoust. Dec 2015, 137(6): 061012 (10 pages)
Published Online: October 6, 2015
Article history
May 7, 2014
June 2, 2015
Gharib, M., and Karkoub, M. (October 6, 2015). "Shock-Based Experimental Investigation of the Linear Particle Chain Impact Damper." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. December 2015; 137(6): 061012.
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