A current preliminary design method for flutter of low pressure turbine blades and vanes only requires knowledge of the reduced frequency and mode shape (real). However, many low pressure turbine (LPT) blade designs include a tip shroud that mechanically connects the blades together in a structure exhibiting cyclic symmetry. A proper vibration analysis produces a frequency and complex mode shape that represents two real modes phase shifted by 90 deg. This paper describes an extension to the current design method to consider these complex mode shapes. As in the current method, baseline unsteady aerodynamic analyses must be performed for the three fundamental motions, two translations and a rotation. Unlike the current method work matrices must be saved for a range of reduced frequencies and interblade phase angles. These work matrices are used to generate the total work for the complex mode shape. Since it still only requires knowledge of the reduced frequency and mode shape (complex), this new method is still very quick and easy to use. Theory and an example application are presented.
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April 2004
Technical Papers
Flutter of Low Pressure Turbine Blades With Cyclic Symmetric Modes: A Preliminary Design Method
Robert Kielb,
Robert Kielb
Duke University, P.O. Box 90300, Durham, NC 27708-0300
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Jack Barter,
Jack Barter
GE Aircraft Engines, One Neumann Way, Cincinnati, OH 45215
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Olga Chernycheva,
Olga Chernycheva
Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, Brinellvagen 60, Stockholm S-10044, Sweden
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Torsten Fransson
Torsten Fransson
Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, Brinellvagen 60, Stockholm S-10044, Sweden
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Robert Kielb
Duke University, P.O. Box 90300, Durham, NC 27708-0300
Jack Barter
GE Aircraft Engines, One Neumann Way, Cincinnati, OH 45215
Olga Chernycheva
Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, Brinellvagen 60, Stockholm S-10044, Sweden
Torsten Fransson
Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, Brinellvagen 60, Stockholm S-10044, Sweden
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Atlanta, GA, June 16–19, 2003. Manuscript received by the IGTI Dec. 2002; final revision Mar. 2003. Paper No. 2003-GT-38694. Review Chair: H. R. Simmons.
J. Turbomach. Apr 2004, 126(2): 306-309 (4 pages)
Published Online: June 15, 2004
Article history
December 1, 2002
March 1, 2003
June 15, 2004
Kielb, R., Barter, J., Chernycheva , O., and Fransson, T. (June 15, 2004). "Flutter of Low Pressure Turbine Blades With Cyclic Symmetric Modes: A Preliminary Design Method ." ASME. J. Turbomach. April 2004; 126(2): 306–309. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.1650380
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