A highly loaded compressor cascade, which features a chord length ten times larger than in real turbomachinery, is used to perform an investigation of the influence of technical surface roughness. The surface structure of a precision forged blade was engraved in two 0.3-mm-thick sheets of copper with the above-mentioned enlarging factor (Leipold and Fottner, 1996). To avoid additional effects due to thickening of the blade contour, the sheets of copper are applied as inlays to the pressure and suction side. At the high-speed cascade wind tunnel, the profile pressure distribution and the total pressure distribution at the exit measurement plane were measured for the rough and the smooth blade for a variation of inlet flow angle and inlet Reynolds number. For some interesting flow conditions, the boundary layer development was investigated with laser-two-focus anemometry and one-dimensional hot-wire anemometry. At low Reynolds numbers and small inlet angles, a separation bubble is only slightly reduced due to surface roughness. The positive effect of a reduced separation bubble is overcompensated by a negative influence of surface roughness on the turbulent boundary layer downstream of the separation bubble. At high Reynolds numbers, the flow over the rough blade shows a turbulent separation leading to high total pressure loss coefficients. The laser-two-focus measurements indicate a velocity deficit close to the trailing edge, even at flow conditions where positive effects due to a reduction of the suction side separation have been expected. The turbulence intensity is reduced close downstream of the separation bubble but increased further downstream due to surface roughness. Thus the rear part of the blade but not the front part reacts sensitively on surface roughness. [S0889-504X(00)01302-7]
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July 2000
Technical Papers
The Influence of Technical Surface Roughness Caused by Precision Forging on the Flow Around a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade
Robert Leipold,
Robert Leipold
Institut fu¨r Strahlantriebe, Universita¨t der Bundeswehr Mu¨nchen, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany
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Matthias Boese,
Matthias Boese
Institut fu¨r Strahlantriebe, Universita¨t der Bundeswehr Mu¨nchen, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany
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Leonhard Fottner
Leonhard Fottner
Institut fu¨r Strahlantriebe, Universita¨t der Bundeswehr Mu¨nchen, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany
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Robert Leipold
Institut fu¨r Strahlantriebe, Universita¨t der Bundeswehr Mu¨nchen, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany
Matthias Boese
Institut fu¨r Strahlantriebe, Universita¨t der Bundeswehr Mu¨nchen, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany
Leonhard Fottner
Institut fu¨r Strahlantriebe, Universita¨t der Bundeswehr Mu¨nchen, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 44th International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 7–10, 1999. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Institute February 1999. Paper No. 99-GT-366. Review Chair: D. C. Wisler.
J. Turbomach. Jul 2000, 122(3): 416-424 (9 pages)
Published Online: February 1, 1999
Article history
February 1, 1999
Leipold , R., Boese , M., and Fottner, L. (February 1, 1999). "The Influence of Technical Surface Roughness Caused by Precision Forging on the Flow Around a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade ." ASME. J. Turbomach. July 2000; 122(3): 416–424. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.1302286
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