With new fabrication methods for mass production of nanotextured samples, there is an increasing demand for new characterization methods. Conventional microscopes are either too slow and/or too sensitive to vibrations. Scatterometry is a good candidate for in-line measuring in an industrial environment as it is insensitive to vibrations and very fast. However, as common scatterometry techniques are nonimaging, it can be challenging for the operator to find the area of interest on a sample and to detect defects. We have therefore developed the technique imaging scatterometry, in which the user first has to select the area of interest after the data have been acquired. In addition, one is no longer limited to analyze areas equal to the spot size, and areas down to 3 μm × 3 μm can be analyzed. The special method Fourier lens scatterometry is capable of performing measurements on misaligned samples and is therefore suitable in a production line. We demonstrate characterization of one-dimensional and two-dimensional gratings from a single measurement using a Fourier lens scatterometer. In this paper, we present a comparison between spectroscopic scatterometry, the newly developed imaging scatterometry, and some state-of-the-art conventional characterization techniques, atomic force microscopy and confocal microscopy.
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September 2017
This article was originally published in
Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing
Study on Microgratings Using Imaging, Spectroscopic, and Fourier Lens Scatterometry
Jonas Skovlund Madsen,
Jonas Skovlund Madsen
Danish Fundamental Metrology A/S,
Matematiktorvet 307,
Kongens Lyngby 2800, Denmark;
Matematiktorvet 307,
Kongens Lyngby 2800, Denmark;
Center for Quantum Devices,
Niels Bohr Institute,
Universitetsparken 5,
Copenhagen 2100, Denmark
e-mail: jsm@dfm.dk
Niels Bohr Institute,
Universitetsparken 5,
Copenhagen 2100, Denmark
e-mail: jsm@dfm.dk
Search for other works by this author on:
Jesper Nygård,
Jesper Nygård
Center for Quantum Devices,
Niels Bohr Institute,
Universitetsparken 5,
Copenhagen 2100, Denmark
e-mail: nygard@nbi.ku.dk
Niels Bohr Institute,
Universitetsparken 5,
Copenhagen 2100, Denmark
e-mail: nygard@nbi.ku.dk
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Morten Hannibal Madsen
Morten Hannibal Madsen
Search for other works by this author on:
Jonas Skovlund Madsen
Danish Fundamental Metrology A/S,
Matematiktorvet 307,
Kongens Lyngby 2800, Denmark;
Matematiktorvet 307,
Kongens Lyngby 2800, Denmark;
Center for Quantum Devices,
Niels Bohr Institute,
Universitetsparken 5,
Copenhagen 2100, Denmark
e-mail: jsm@dfm.dk
Niels Bohr Institute,
Universitetsparken 5,
Copenhagen 2100, Denmark
e-mail: jsm@dfm.dk
Poul Erik Hansen
Pierre Boher
Deepak Dwarakanath
Jan Friis Jørgensen
Brian Bilenberg
Jesper Nygård
Center for Quantum Devices,
Niels Bohr Institute,
Universitetsparken 5,
Copenhagen 2100, Denmark
e-mail: nygard@nbi.ku.dk
Niels Bohr Institute,
Universitetsparken 5,
Copenhagen 2100, Denmark
e-mail: nygard@nbi.ku.dk
Morten Hannibal Madsen
Contributed by the Manufacturing Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MICRO- AND NANO-MANUFACTURING. Manuscript received December 21, 2016; final manuscript received May 17, 2017; published online June 7, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Stefan Dimov.
J. Micro Nano-Manuf. Sep 2017, 5(3): 031005 (7 pages)
Published Online: June 7, 2017
Article history
December 21, 2016
May 17, 2017
Madsen, J. S., Hansen, P. E., Boher, P., Dwarakanath, D., Jørgensen, J. F., Bilenberg, B., Nygård, J., and Madsen, M. H. (June 7, 2017). "Study on Microgratings Using Imaging, Spectroscopic, and Fourier Lens Scatterometry." ASME. J. Micro Nano-Manuf. September 2017; 5(3): 031005. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4036889
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