This paper presents an experimental investigation on the effect of interference-fit on the bearing strength and fatigue life of pin-loaded plain-woven and cross ply carbon fiber-reinforced plastic laminate (CFRP). Stainless steel pins are installed to five different sized holes on the CFRP specimens to achieve transition-fit and four interference-fits (0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, and 1.0%). The quasi-static and fatigue (R = 0.1) properties of the pin-loaded CFRP are then compared to each other. From the experimental results, it is demonstrated that the interference-fit can improve the joint stiffness per unit bearing area, or the joint stiffness, under both the static and dynamic bearing load conditions. The ultimate bearing strength, fatigue life, and joint stiffness of interference-fit samples are higher than those of the transition-fit samples and they are maximized at an interference-fit percentage of 0.4%. Regardless of interference-fit percentage, the fatigue life of a pin-loaded CFRP specimen tends to be proportional to its joint stiffness in the beginning of a fatigue test. During fatigue testing, the joint stiffness of pin-loaded CFRP gradually decreases to the range of 18.8 GPa/mm to 18.6 GPa/mm when bearing failure occurs. The increased joint stiffness by interference-fit delays CFRP hole damage growth by reducing pin displacement under fatigue cycles.
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April 2019
Interference-Fit Effect on Improving Bearing Strength and Fatigue Life in a Pin-Loaded Woven Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Laminate
Sang-Young Kim,
Sang-Young Kim
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Kunsan National University,
558 Daehak Road,
Gunsan 54150, South Korea
Kunsan National University,
558 Daehak Road,
Gunsan 54150, South Korea
Search for other works by this author on:
Dave Kim
Dave Kim
School of Engineering and Computer Science,
Washington State University,
Vancouver, WA 98686
Washington State University,
14204 NE Salmon Creek Avenue
,Vancouver, WA 98686
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Sang-Young Kim
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Kunsan National University,
558 Daehak Road,
Gunsan 54150, South Korea
Kunsan National University,
558 Daehak Road,
Gunsan 54150, South Korea
Dave Kim
School of Engineering and Computer Science,
Washington State University,
Vancouver, WA 98686
Washington State University,
14204 NE Salmon Creek Avenue
,Vancouver, WA 98686
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Materials Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received October 12, 2017; final manuscript received September 26, 2018; published online December 20, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Erdogan Madenci.
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. Apr 2019, 141(2): 021006 (7 pages)
Published Online: December 20, 2018
Article history
October 12, 2017
September 26, 2018
Kim, S., and Kim, D. (December 20, 2018). "Interference-Fit Effect on Improving Bearing Strength and Fatigue Life in a Pin-Loaded Woven Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Laminate." ASME. J. Eng. Mater. Technol. April 2019; 141(2): 021006.
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