This study demonstrates the effects of technologies applied for the development of gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine for improving the brake thermal efficiency (BTE). The test engine has a relatively high stroke to bore ratio of 1.4 with a displacement of 2156 cm3. All experiments have been conducted for stoichiometric operation at 2000 RPM. First, since compression ratio (CR) is directly related to the thermal efficiency, four CR were explored for operation without exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). Then, for the same four CR, EGR was used to suppress the knock occurrence at high loads, and its effect on initial and main combustion duration was compared. Second, the shape of intake port was revised to increase tumble flow for reducing combustion duration, and extending EGR-stability limit further. Then, as an effective method to ensure stable combustion for EGR-diluted stoichiometric operation, the use of twin spark ignition (SI) system is examined by modifying both valve diameters of intake and exhaust, and its effect is compared against that of single spark ignition. In addition, the layout of twin spark ignition was also examined for the location of front-rear and intake-exhaust. To get the maximum BTE at high load, 12 V electronic super charger (eSC) was applied. Under the condition of using 12 V eSC, the effect of intake cam duration was identified by increasing from 260 deg to 280 deg. Finally, 48 V eSC was applied with the longer intake camshaft duration of 280 deg. As a result, the maximum BTE of 44% can be achieved for stoichiometric operation with EGR.