
This paper is a continuation of the one presented in December, 1933, in which the 10,000-kw, 1000-F turbine installed by The Detroit Edison Company, was described in detail together with the results obtained with various materials used in the construction of a small 1100-F superheater and piping system. The turbine installation was dismantled in 1937 after 26,453 hours of service and the 1100 F equipment has been continued in service for the further testing of materials.

The turbine operation has demonstrated the practicability of 1000-F operation. An examination of all principal materials used in the construction of the turbine, piping, and superheater showed that with several exceptions the alloys were in good condition. Measurements made to determine creep disclosed only small amounts.

The results of 1100-F steam-corrosion tests on 18 steels indicate that the scale formations offer material protection against subsequent steam attack and that the corrosion process is different in steam from that in air. A comparison of creep determinations made on four machined pipe sections—two in service at 380 lb per sq in. and 1100 F, and two in service at 380 lb per sq in. and 925 F—and laboratory specimens at the same temperature and stress tend to disprove the theory that total diametral elongation of a pipe subject to internal pressure is materially less than that indicated by tensile-creep tests.

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