Background: Experiments on the fatigue of tendons have shown that cyclic loading induces failure at stresses lower than the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the tendons. The number of cycles to failure has been shown to be dependent upon the magnitude of the applied cyclic stress. Method of approach: Utilizing data collected by Schechtman (1995), we demonstrate that the principles of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) can be used to predict the fatigue behavior of tendons under cyclic loading for maximum stress levels that are higher than 10% of the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the tendon (the experimental results at 10% UTS did not fit with our equations). Conclusions: LEFM and other FM approaches may prove to be very valuable in advancing our understanding of damage accumulation in soft connective tissues.
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October 2004
Technical Papers
A Novel Application of the Principles of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) to the Fatigue Behavior of Tendon Tissue
Samer M. Adeeb,
Samer M. Adeeb
McCaig Center for Joint Injury and Arthritis Research, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
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Michelle L. Zec,
Michelle L. Zec
McCaig Center for Joint Injury and Arthritis Research, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
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Gail M. Thornton,
Gail M. Thornton
Division of Orthopaedic Engineering Research, University of British Columbia and MacInnis Engineering Associates Ltd., Vancouver, BC, Canada
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Cyril B. Frank,
Cyril B. Frank
McCaig Center for Joint Injury and Arthritis Research, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
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Nigel G. Shrive
Nigel G. Shrive
McCaig Center for Joint Injury and Arthritis Research, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
Search for other works by this author on:
Samer M. Adeeb
McCaig Center for Joint Injury and Arthritis Research, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
Michelle L. Zec
McCaig Center for Joint Injury and Arthritis Research, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
Gail M. Thornton
Division of Orthopaedic Engineering Research, University of British Columbia and MacInnis Engineering Associates Ltd., Vancouver, BC, Canada
Cyril B. Frank
McCaig Center for Joint Injury and Arthritis Research, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
Nigel G. Shrive
McCaig Center for Joint Injury and Arthritis Research, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Bioengineering Division April 5, 2004, revision received May 3, 2004. Associate Editor: L. Soslowsky.
J Biomech Eng. Oct 2004, 126(5): 641-650 (10 pages)
Published Online: November 23, 2004
Article history
April 5, 2004
May 3, 2004
November 23, 2004
Adeeb , S. M., Zec, M. L., Thornton, G. M., Frank , C. B., and Shrive, N. G. (November 23, 2004). "A Novel Application of the Principles of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) to the Fatigue Behavior of Tendon Tissue ." ASME. J Biomech Eng. October 2004; 126(5): 641–650.
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