
9R16. Materials for High Temperature Engineering Applications. - GW Meetham (Rolls-Royce, Derby, UK) and MH Van de Voorde (Dept of Mat Sci and Tech, Fac of Appl Sci, Delft Univ of Tech, Rotterdamse Weg 137, Delft, 2628 AL, Netherlands). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2000. 164 pp. ISBN 3-540-66861-6. $42.00.

Reviewed by L Mishnaevsky Jr (MPA, Univ of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 32, Stuttgart, D-70569, Germany).

This book is a reference of high temperature materials, their properties, and manufacturing technologies. The intended audience includes practicing engineers and industry managers, as well as students and the academic community. The layout is pleasant, the figures are original, and a well done subject index is available.

The purpose of this book was to bring together the key features of all high temperature materials in one volume. The authors are successful in their aim of providing a concise, yet comprehensive overview of properties, areas of applications and technology of materials used for structural, tool, or other applications under high temperature conditions.

The book is logically divided into four major parts. The first two chapters (Introduction and Design and Manufacture) deal with the general questions of development and application of the high temperature materials, as the history of development of different high temperature materials, methods of the material selection, available manufacturing technologies, and possibilities of the component life extension. The history of the development of manufacturing technologies for high temperature materials is described.

The second part of the book (Chapter 3, Requirements of High Temperature Materials and Chapter 4, Increasing Temperature Capability) describes requirements to the mechanical and physical properties of high temperature materials (such as environmental resistance, wear resistance, strength, creep, mechanical and thermo-mechanical fatigue resistance, etc), as well as physical mechanisms of the behavior of materials with different microstructures under loading. The strengthening mechanisms of metallic materials (solid solution, precipitation, dispersion strengthening) as well as different toughening mechanisms in composites are explained.

In the third part (Chapters 5–15), authors provide concise and very informative descriptions of high temperature materials, including their properties and special technologies of manufacturing, peculiarities of microstructures, their advantages and disadvantages as compared with other materials, and areas of their industrial application. Practically all materials for high temperature engineering applications are considered, ranging from the traditional materials, as steels, cast iron and cemented carbides, to refractory metals, intermetallic materials, zirconia and alumina ceramics, and composites. For each material, interrelations between the microstructure, mechanical and physical properties, and the areas of industrial applications are explained in a clear, concise, and simple manner. Typical chemical compositions, phase diagrams, and strength/temperature relations are given for the materials.

The last chapter of the book, Coatings for High Temperature Materials, deals with the corrosion and oxidation resistant coating, and thermal barrier coats. The technologies of diffusion and overlay coating are discussed in the chapter.

The big merit of this book is that it covers virtually all materials used for high temperature applications in industry as well as materials which are in their early development stages. In fact, this book is unique in gathering together widely scattered materials and in presenting an up-to-date overview of the properties, applications, and peculiarities of high temperature materials.

Another advantage of the book is that many complex concepts and mechanisms of materials behavior are explained clearly and exactly, with the use of original illustrations and comparisons with other materials or technologies.

It is also essential that the book is developed with the needs of the practitioner in mind: the microstructures and properties of the materials are discussed not only from the standpoint of materials science, but with relation to the industrial requirements and the industrial applications of each material.

The list of references includes many pioneering scientific papers on different aspects of technology and properties of high temperature materials. However, some more references to special monographs on each of the themes discussed in the book would be helpful for a reader who needs detailed information on the materials.

In general, Materials for High Temperature Engineering Applications is highly recommended to libraries and specialists in the areas of production, research, and application of high temperature materials.