The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff plans to apply a more integrated, graded approach to the review of small modular reactor (SMR) pre-application activities and design applications. The concept is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the reviews by focusing on safety significant structures, systems, and components (SSCs). The unique design features associated with SMRs and knowledge gained reviewing other passive reactor designs present opportunities to risk-inform the SMR design certification process to a greater extent than previously employed. The review process can be modified for SMR applications by considering the aggregate of regulatory controls pertaining to SSCs as part of the review and determining those regulatory controls which may supplement or replace, as appropriate, part of the technical or engineering analysis and evaluation. Risk insights acquired from staff reviews of passive LWR designs (i.e. AP1000, ESBWR) can also be incorporated into the review process. Further, risk insights associated with integral pressurized water reactor (iPWR) design features (i.e. Underground facilities impact on turbine missiles review) can be incorporated into the review process.

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